Maybe our Regional representatives (Trim, Novak and Abernethy) feel there is no need to really hear the other side of the issue; the side that will talk about devastating, negative human health effects, about traffic gridlock, about the long-term cost burden and the horrible legacy these 'representatives' will leave in their wake because they've already made up their collective minds.
In an article (May 1) in the Metroland press, writer Erin Hatfield quoted the Regional Works Commissioner (Cliff Curtis) as saying "We have some new members on Works Committee and we've also got some new politicians and senior staff from the host community......". This was in reference to our Councillors planning another 4 country trip to Europe to look at incinerators there at our great expense; guess the trip last year was not enough!
As I understand the process and what we've been told by the proponents (Durham Region), the "host" community will not be identified until next autumn. In that case, how can we send a delegation from the "host" community on a grandiose trip in July?? How does the Works Commissioner know who to send...does he have a crystal ball, or have these politicians and senior staff already chosen the host community (Clarington), and now we're just going through the motions? This is the fine art of window-dressing at its best.
In response to a question from the floor at one of the so-called public information sessions recently, when asked for an example of a well-run facility, Reg. Chairman Anderson suggested an incinerator in Peel County, west of Toronto was a good site. Instead of going on another tax-funded junket to Europe, why don't they spend a day in Peel?
With our huge tax increases by both Clarington and Durham Region this year, how can they even consider yet another overseas junket at our (taxpayers) expense?No wonder their budget process is so questionable.
ReplyDeleteGood suggestion to have them spend a Day at the Peel Region incinerator. Especially if it works so well, is below "provincial standards" for emissions, and is so wonderful. Of course then they don't get that all-important international flavour, do they? I'm so fed up I could spit.
ReplyDeleteJust another bunch of fat-cat politicians feeding at the public trough on our tax money. Can't blame them as much as I blame ourselves for allowing this kind of thing to carry on. This year, we got hit with a monster tax hike, yet these self-righteous politicians keep on spending.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't more people speaking out about this wastefull spending and the insanity of the entire incinerator issue itself? I'm amazed.
Why don't Durham regional councillors or even the so-called "citizen representatives" on the York/Durham Joint Waste Committee bother to attend the information sessions given by Durham Region? I'll bet there will be few if any of them attending the CAW presentation tomorrow night. They really show how much they care about getting all the information they can before forcing this thing on us. NOT! And they are the ones who will be making the decisions. Very sad indeed!
ReplyDeleteThey only want the information if they can travel to Europe to get it. Getting it locally via CAW or Peel or anywhere else in Canada is not on their list of priorities, obviously.
ReplyDeleteThey don't seem to realize that we notice who does and doesn't bother to show up at these meetings. They seem to think they are better (smarter) than everyone else.
Maybe they are smarter than the rest of us. They got us to elect them so they could spend our money, didn't they?
ReplyDeleteYes i hated the tax increase. But lets look at the facts. the previous administration ran the tab up on the libriary, the arenas, the pool, the communitee centres, the skate parks, the soccer indoor stadium, the ball fields. All this costs money and were in debt up to the hilt for many years to come. Our windfall of development dollars is all spent through this. now we have nothing. The current administrartion had to pick up all the pieces and try and put something back together again. The way out you ask. Sell the Granet Rickard Centre and The Courtice Arena, and the Soccer Stadium to operators like Canland Sports, the way other communities do it and this will put money back in the coffers. Then we need to spend less on projects. Do we really need another pool in Newcastle, we have a under utilized one in Bowmanville. Then we need to stop asking for the goodies. If you want to play hockey you pay for it, just like the golfers, and the racers, and so do now out of your own pocket. Just cover the basics, leave the rec. up to individual choice. Then attract some business instead of scaring it away and get taxes from there.
ReplyDeleteas for the trip to europe, don't need it. Got the facts, make a decision and go from there. don't throw good money after bad.
Sell Total Hockey first! It's a white elephant, doesn't bring in the dollars and is costing us a fortune. And not another trip to Europe. Look at incinerattion, get all the facts, and then look at other alternatives too. No other alternatives are even being considered. That isn't smart.
ReplyDeleteI do not know which I find more pathetic...the fact that these representatives feel that incineration in our region is a good option, or the fact that more local residents are not speaking up? If everybody starts burning garbage, there is little incentive to generate less waste, hence overpackaged, wasefull products shall continue. People sadly throw anything and everything into the garbage. Plastic chemical soups, heavy metal batteries, etc.
ReplyDeleteA trip to Europe is also pathetic! If these people were smart enough to understand the obvious dangers of burning garbage, they wouldnt need the trip! Hence we are wasting tax money on idiots who have obviously already decided upon incineration. What do they expect to hear from European incineration plants, "Oh yeah, this is toxic! Just look at the increased rates of cancer and decreased property values!" Clearly the incineration plants (likely companies run them over there) will boast the positives, and sweep under the rug(only to burn later) the negatives. We are literally throwing away tax dollars to allow foolish and ignorant people to have a nice vacation. Remember these words current Clarington elected reps: You will NOT win the next election because of this issue.