Who knew? Apparently the United Nations was set up to deal with Climate Change. I didn't realize that global warming was such a big concern 60 years ago. I was taught that the United Nations was founded in 1945 to replace the League of Nations, in the hope that it would intervene in conflicts between nations and thereby avoid war. Perhaps our education system isn't quite what we thought it was, and we'd better straighten those history teachers out!
"I really do believe that climate change is a worldwide situation, problem, and I really believe this is why the UN was set up," said our Councillor Trim, one of our Regional Councillors from Clarington as well as Chair of Regional Works Committee.
In terms of climate change, "the leadership and programs should come right from the top," he said. "We on the local basis can do our small parts, but we need that overall top-driven initiative... in order to make it worthwhile, in order to make the great change that is required."
This from our Councillor who last week argued against establishment of a Clarington Green Community Strategy committee, and who appears to be in support of plunking down an incinerator to burn garbage right here in Clarington.
Is it any wonder why residents may worry about the ability of some of our Clarington Councillors to grasp the fundamentals surrounding complex issues such as the drawbacks and risks of incineration, the intricacies of a zero waste program, how best to deal with the reduction of residual waste? Will our Councillors be able to discern fact from fiction when it comes to what they are being fed by proponents of "energy-from-waste" (EFW) - which is just a fancy term for incineration? Will they understand the far-reaching and dangerous health risks posed by the emissions of dioxins, furans, and other harmful chemicals? You know, those oh-so-clean emissions we've been told about by the consultants - those white puffs of water vapour. Yeah, right.
Are they really listening or have they made up their minds? We wonder even more when we hear things of this sort...
What kind of mental midget would state that the U.N. was established to deal with climate change? You've got to be kidding!
ReplyDeleteIf this is the level of intelligence we in Clarington must accept from a twerp who heads the Regional Works (the department that will oversee the establishment of a cancer-causing garbage incinerator) we are in bigger trouble than we thought.
Tell me that Councillor Charlie Trim did not say this, so I may sleep better. This is real scary stuff.
Having nightmares? Sorry to hear it but I'd say your sleeplessness is only just beginning!
ReplyDeleteSee the story in the Canadian Statesman.
Mr. Trim may have made a mistake about why the U.N. was formed, but didn't any of the other councillors or mayor correct him? Seems they're all in the same boat? (sinking ship)?
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect Steven S., I don't think what Charlie said can simply be called a mistake; this is grade 4 history. He didn't make a mistake, his statement is just plain dumb, and what Billy B. said about scary is a fact.
ReplyDeleteThe videos are a great idea. Very interesting too. I wonder if Councillor Trim or Novak or Abernethy will take the time to watch and learn. All 3 seem to be very much in favour of this incinerator though. You know, because it is so clean and the public is so much in favour of it!
I'm pretty sure the point he was trying to make was that the UN was created to protect the world's citizens and that climate change is threatening the safety of the world's citizens.
ReplyDeleteWay to miss the point.
Wait a minute, now that I've read the article from Canadian Statesmen I have more to say.
ReplyDeleteTrim is just trying to pass the buck. He doesn't want to take a stand on the environment so he says he's waiting for the UN or the feds or the province to tell him what to do.
That changes my opinion of him a little bit, but doesn't change my opinion of you guys. You all still missed the point.
I didn't miss the point. Mr. Trim IS trying to pass the buck, just as he does as Works Chair at the region and councillor at Clarington. He is obvioulsy uncaring about Global Warming or any such noble cause. He wants to put an incinerator in Clarington so that we can add to our smog days and pollution and spread the wealth (of all that bad air). It's no better than hiding it in the ground. He wants to hide it in the air, where it is even more immediately damaging.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you call that? Best Practices?
Councillor Abernethy (that's right, Councillor) should have corrected Councillor Trim or at the very least, ensured that he and the other Councillors had been briefed by the educated Clarington/Regional staff members before the meeting to ensure stupid and embarassing mistakes like this were not made.
ReplyDeleteThat, Councillor Abernethy is what your staff is for.
I still can't believe that we elected these Morons in hopes of something better.
If you thought we were a laughing stock before, wait until the larger media run away with this!
Well, Billy B., is your question answered? You wanted to hear from the 4 local councillors. At Clarington GPA committee last Tuesday, our 4 councillors supported a great staff report that recommends that Clarington should review all documents and studies from Durham Region to make sure we get a fair deal. Our Mayor and Regional Councillors did not get their own way on this one,and bow to the Region once again.
ReplyDeleteLet's here a round of applause for our local councillors who seem to be the only representatives who appear to care.
Our 4 local councillors had some guts (and smarts) to stand up to the Mayor and 2 regional councillors and vote for what is best for Clarington, not what is necessarily best for the region. The staff report was excellent. I don't care if the region puts a cap on what Clarington can spend to find out whether it is safe for us to have an incinerator here or whether it will hurt our tax base by keeping away other new industry. It is up to Clarington Council to make sure we're safe. If they refuse to do that because they are afraid to run up against Regional Chair Anderson, then they're not worth the votes or the trust we gave them. They don't seem to understand that or care.
ReplyDeleteBravo to Councillors Foster, Hooper, Woo and Robinson. I hope they will hold their ground for the residents of Clarington. It is not NIMBYism. It is about the health of our community.