We feel the biggest reason was that they didn't want to push our already altitudinous tax rate into double digits. But the small amount that would have been tacked on to property owners' bill would have been pretty inconsequential for most of us. On the "average" property tax bill, about $16 per year would have been added. That's less than a Timmies coffee and donut per month. Not per day, nor per week. But per
MONTH. Yes there are people with multiple properties who would have to pay more, but if they hold multilple properties, they can probably afford to forego a couple of Timmies per month. Those with million dollar properties who would have to pay considerably more on their tax bill could also probably afford it.

What we cannot afford is to ignore our local hospital. This was a chance for our municipal government to get behind our local hospital. Yes, it is Provincial responsibility to fund hospitals in this province. But they are not doing it, and if we wait for them to give us that funding or raise the levels of money granted to Lakeridge Health to the average per capita across Ontario, we will have a long wait. That is the consensus of most residents in Durham Region, including Clarington. So do we cut off our nose to spite our face? Sure we can write to the Province, phone them, email them, but will Health Minister Smitherman listen to us? Should we expect him to listen to us any more than our local council does? Maybe now they can understand how it feels to be ignored. That is how many Clarington residents feel about this council on a variety of issues. They just don't listen to us. They may pretend to listen, but in the end, they are a brick wall.
I'm sure the Memorial Hospital Foundation will find a way to come up with the needed money.
It may take longer, but they will do it. They have tremendous support throughout our community, even if Council is not part of that support. Contributing to improvements in our local hospital such as expanding the busy ER, increasing same-day surgery capacity, expanding mammography-related services and create a much needed Intensive Care Unit would have been a investment by our council, not a signal to the Province that they should give up provincial funding of our hospitals, especially since it is not by choice that they do so. They have no choice in the matter. That they underfund is another matter completely.

For more information see Metroland's article, "Municipality says 'No' to hospital's $2-million request". And don't hesitate to comment here on this blog or to let your local councillors know your feelings on it. As well, be sure to make a contribution to this worthy cause if you can. We should show our council what social conscience is all about.
If the Mayor thinks that "some sort of notice on tax bills" is going to be a good substitute, what about people who pay their property taxes through their bank, as an automatic payment with their mortgage? When would I even see this "notice" on my tax bill? Does the municipality have figures on how many people pay direct or how many pay through their bank, or how many pay through the internet?
ReplyDeleteThey obviously haven't thought this through very well. They just didn't want a double digit tax hike locally because that looks bad for them. Especially for those who campaigned on fiscal responsibility and not raising taxes.
No one wants to pay more on their tax bill. But no one wants to have to use the hospital services either. Both are inevitible. I would rather have emergency or intensive care services available to me than to have to either wait or be sent elsewhere because my local hospital can't help me.
ReplyDeleteThis council should make the investment in our community hospital. They made a bigger investment (over $2 million) in Total Hockey. They've made bigger investments in aquatic centers or other sports arenas haven't they? This should be a bigger priority than any of those. Seems not though.
Funding for the hospital is great but for every person that can afford to pay more taxes, there is another four who are having a hard time making ends meet. Instead of raising taxes to pay for the hospital they should look at undoing past councils work and sell off big capital asset's like the courtice arena to Canaland Sports(as well as bowmanville, and the soccer place). Do all future large recreation programs as private, and use this money for the hospital and other important things.
ReplyDeleteAlso they need to look at reducing spending on staff postions. 27,000 for a part-time musuem and 66,000 for libiary position is ridiculous. They need to reduce, cut, and sell and use this money for good purposes.
While I think Bowmanville Hospital is great and needs this expansion -- Last week my mother was in the ICU there, and the doctors and Nurses are top notch. Council was right to denied the request. While I would have been willing to pay the money and I am still willing as I will be making a donation to the Hospital. The Hospitsl is funded thorough our income tax that we pay to the province -- if Clarington picked up this money for the expansion, then how long before the Province download the hospitals to the Municipality? by making a donation, not only do you help out the Hospital and you also get a tax credit for your donation -- this is better than just adding it to our tax bill.