She may have other reasons for withdrawing. She may simply have decided she doesn't still have the desire needed to mount a full campaign once again. No doubt there will be plenty of speculation.
Will she throw her support behind one of the candidates? We doubt it but we've been wrong before! We will just have to wait and see what happens.
See today's Metroland story online "Former mayor reconsiders bid for top job" and also Jennifer Stone's Vote Clarington blog entry - And with that, she was gone... - which shows our former Mayor has not lost the quick trigger temper or become more gracious during her 6 years of retirement. Yes Jennifer, we'll miss her just as much as you will!
We're back to 5 candidates for Mayor, so please update your vote on the poll (to the right) if you had previously voted for Diane Hamre. The other Clarington races are heating up too, so stay tuned for more.
I love the opportunity to read a blog that is specific to Clarington's campaign.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that bothers me is that you remain anonymous. The nagging thought for me is that your comments carry less weight when I think that you may be, or be supporting, a specific candidate.
Your picture shows a female. This however realy means nothing.
I believe you should identify yourself, even via private email, to anyone who asks. For my own interest in public affairs, to verify the authenticity of your blog comments, and with a fervent promise to keep it secrect, tell me who you are.
Ronald Folk
Thank you for your comments, Mr. Folk. I started this blog because I am quite interested in Clarington's campaign, but I am not a candidate and am still in the process of deciding who I will vote for. That is why I welcome comments from readers and publish all comments, even those who disagree with my views.
ReplyDeleteMy reasons for remaining anonymous, other than to say that I do indeed live in Clarington, include the fact that I have seen the dirty politics, bullying, pressure tactics, ridicule, maligning and verbal abuse of those who would dare to disagree with those in power. The Oshawa Votes blog was shut down by politicians who didn't like what he had to say. Others have been harrassed and threatened with police investigations and law suits simply for speaking their mind or giving opinions. While I am willing to make my own observations and opinions known, as well as sharing facts when I have them, I am not willing to put myself or my family through the intimidation tactics of certain partisan elements.
Another reason for my anonymity is that it affords me the opportunity to meet candidates, ask questions, and hopefully get honest answers without having to withstand the aforementioned pressure and intimidation tactics in person.
My blog is intended to provoke thought and discussion, not to tell anyone who they should vote for. The opinions are my own, just as everyone has their own opinion on a variety of issues. Those who don't, might read this blog and comments from other readers and begin to form their own views on issues facing Clarington and Durham Region in this election.
As time goes on, I may decide to give my "picks" for our Clarington race. But at this time I honestly don't know who I will be voting for. I am not a person who is easily swayed, and I hope readers of this blog will ask questions and research their candidates before making a hasty decision. Look beyond the spin and make an informed decision according to your own convictions.
I whole heartedly agree with you, 'moderator'.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, there are nasty elements and factions surrounding 'we the people' in voicing our opinions in this region.
Matters not to me, that you remain anonymous.
What does matter, is that you have graciously provided a platform /media for 'we the people' to gather and muse among ourselves.
You are to be commended.
I thank you, again.
I have to agree on this - that the name doesn't make a difference to me. Unless you (blogger) are someone who is running for office, or a name I would know, what difference does it make to me? You could be Alice or Andrew. Zelda or Zubin. What matters are the opinions put forth and the facts you provide. Both can help others of us to make some decisions of our own or even just to know what questions we could or should be asking.
ReplyDeleteNot being in attendenct at the Regional council meeting, I had no idea what transpired there (the bullying). I wish I had watched it on Rogers Cable 10 but be assured that from now on I will be watching! There is no excuse for politicians WHO WORK FOR US to treat residents so shabbily or to sit on their high horse and make decisions that are ill-advised even by their own planning staff.
I also didn't know about the huge salary/mileage/gas increases that our Council voted themselves. Or about the lack of debate on issues or municipal finance deficits, among other things.
These are all things I will ask more questions about and take into consideration when marking my ballot this time around. And it has piqued my interest not only in THIS election, but also in our municipal governance in general and I plan on becoming much more informed and active in what's going on around me, where I live.
Thank you for this blog and the information given and the opportunity for anyone to speak their mind on these issues. I don't care what your name is. I do care that you continue this public service!