A few days ago the Oshawa Votes 2006 blog was shut down. Rumour has it that Oshawa Council was furious (or at least several of them) over the hard-hitting commentary on the blog and couldn't take the heat, so had it shut down. Too bad, as they really did need to have someone hold their feet to the fire.
We're not entirely sure how they accomplished this feat, but we're sorry to see Oshawa Votes shut down, as are a lot of other people. This doesn't help Oshawa Council; it only shows how worried they are that someone is writing about their "unbelievable antics" as showcased in a number of articles in the local newspapers lately, including Tim Kelly's latest on April 19 in the Canadian Statesman. Tim writes that this council is totally dysfunctional, they obviously hate each other, and not only threaten lawsuits, but actually end up suing each other! He writes of old grudges, name-calling, childish insults.
I'll admit I missed that last few days of the Oshawa Votes 2006 blog entries, but what on earth could be worse than council itself? If what the writer was blogging was the truth, and it seems it was, why would it be shut down? Whatever happened to "free speech"?
Will there be an attempt to shut down Clarington Votes 2006 by our Mayor or Council too? If the truth hurts so much that a municipal government has to shut down free speech (as has been done to delegations in our Clarington Council chambers of late), then something is terribly wrong. Perhaps they should take a second look at themselves, and not attack the speaker (or writer). Certainly in the case of Oshawa Council it's time for an overhaul. In the case of our Council, it may be time to re-think behaviour regarding delegations who come before them to speak on issues affecting residents of our municipality, whether it be taxes, environmental or development issues, transportation, or council raises or mileage increases. We have free speech and a right to be heard. How about trying to respect that right and keep the egos in check.
As for the Oshawa Votes 2006 blogger, we hope he shows up in another incarnation, and soon, because he's already being missed. There is now lots of speculation as to where he'll pop up next. And people are talking, and hoping his exile will be a short one. Apparently, by shutting him down, Oshawa Council has opened up a much worse Pandora's Box, and brought even more attention to themselves and their dysfunctional antics. That's the kind of result you get when you try to shut down free speech. People get upset. Are you listening, Clarington?
I hope Oshawa Votes comes back. Shame on Oshawa council for shutting him down. You are right about free speech. What are they afraid of, anyway?
ReplyDeleteOur Oshawa government is a disgrace. I hope Oshawa Votes 2006 returns too. What a shame the blog has been shut down as it had developed quite a following. I'm quite sure others will pop up in its place though. Voters such as myself are pretty darn angry with what has been going on. Its time to turf the whole lot of them, with only very few exceptions.
ReplyDeleteYou are lucky in Clarington to have a smaller council so fewer lugheads. At least they're not suing each other. But your mayor is a piece of work. I saw him on Rogers Cable 10 when he lit into that poor lady. Maybe we should all clean house come November. We certainly couldn't do much worse.
ReplyDeleteJust sign me Fed Up in Oshawa.