6 Apr 2006

Clarington Council Salaries for 2005

Click on chart above to get a larger view of Mayor and Councillor's remuneration and expenses from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005. Note that Regional Councillors also receive a Regional salary of nearly $41,000.00 on top of municipal salary, as well as additional money for expenses such as more mileage, conferences, local boards, etc.

Regional Pay:

So here is the regional pay, and remember there is additional pay they receive in lieu of pension plan, for sitting on additional boards, committees, and attending conferences, etc. Oh yeah, and Regional Chair, Roger Anderson, who isn't even ELECTED...
Hizzoner's base regional pay is:
Remuneration: $153,846.56
Mileage; $5,115.11
Conferences/Conventions/Meetings: $17,404.72
Total: $176,366.39

Uh-huh. For this kind of money you would think maybe they could work a little harder to keep our tax increases down. Can't there be a limit on increases when budgets aren't balanced or depend on taking more out of taxpayer's pockets to cover increased costs, many of which are NOT in our best interest?

I think Ms Racansky was right in complaining about the municipality's 4.08 percent tax increase for this year. I wish the Mayor had let her speak her piece.

(Salary source - Report FND-004-06, Clarington Finance Dept)

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