Updated October 14, 2006
Also check the May 29th Orono Times editorial "We deserve better" for more background on the race.
Office of Mayor (5 candidates)
John Mutton
Jim Abernethy jimabernethy@hotmail.com
(B) 905-983-8270
Richard Ward richardward2006@gmail.com
(T) 905-983-6213
Wayne J. Chaskavich
(T) 905-436-2166
Jim Schell hjamesschell@hotmail.com
(T) 905-623-5573
Regional Councillor Wards 1 & 2 (5 candidates)
Don MacArthur don.macarthur@sympatico.ca
(H) 905-623-3274 (B) 905-260-0818
George Van Dyk gvandyk@durham.net
(H)905-623-9615 (F) 905-623-0554
Kevin McAlpine mcalpinecampaign@hotmail.com
Wotten, Arnot
(T) 905-263-2512 (F) 905-263-9940
Mary Novak mnovak1@sympatico.ca
(T) 905-436-2583
Regional Councillor Wards 3 & 4 (3 candidates)
Charlie Trim
(H) 905-786-2403
John Buddo info@johnbuddo.com
(T) 905-786-9886
Linda Gasser lagasser@netrover.com
(H) 905-983-5249 (F) 905-983-5825
Local Councillor Ward 1 (2 candidates)
Adrian Foster adrianfoster@sympatico.ca
(H) 905-404-8613
Oudit Rai
(T) 905-436-2029 (H) 905-432-9174
Local Councillor Ward 2 (8 candidates)
Blair Smyth blairsmyth307@hotmail.com
Colin Argyle socks.argyle@sympatico.ca or cargyle@ofl.ca
(H)905-623-8270 (B)416-443-7682
Steve Rowland dsrowland@gmail.com
Ron Hooper ron.hooper@sympatico.ca
(T)905-623-3097 (F)905-623-5303
John Sturdy
(T) 905-623-2435
Terry Lynch Mr.terrylynch@hotmail.com
Mike Slocombe vote_mike.slocombe@yahoo.ca
(T) 905-623-4278
Philip Carlton vli@sympatico.ca
(T) 905-623-7877 (F) 905-623-7177
Local Councillor Ward 3 (4 candidates)
Kevin Anyan kevin@kingscourtcatering.com
Willie Woo willie.woo@rogers.com
Kyrke Innis kyrke@sympatico.ca
(H) 905-697-3409
Lou DeVuono lou.devuono@rockyside.com
(T) 905-448-9967
Local Councillor Ward 4 (3 candidates)
Gord Robinson
(T) 905-786-2970
Paul Jones jonesfamily@porchlight.ca
(T) 905-983-5857
Wendy Partner loveabounds@msn.com
(T) 905-983-9238
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (4 candidates)
Cathy Abraham cathy_abraham@kprdsb.ca
(H) 905-987-1833
Todd Shrigley tashrigley@sympatico.ca
(T) 905-263-4440
Steven Cooke stcooke@mail.com
(T) 905-623-8306
Karen Hills karenhills56@hotmail.com
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board (4 candidates)
Granville Anderson granville.anderson@wst.gov.on.ca
(T) 905-436-3905 (F) 416-326-5164
Maureen Day day4trustee@look.ca
(T) 905-263-1083
Barbara Malone tbmtm@sympatico.ca
(T) 905-786-2444
Andrew W. Bennion bennion@rogers.com
(T) 905-259-7015 (F) 905-556-0433
Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique Centre-Sud (1 candidate)
Adrien Lamoureux alamoureux@csdccs.edu.on.ca
(T) 613-398-0721 (W) 613-398-3201
Conseil Scolaire De District Public Centre-Sud-Ouest (1 candidate)
Sylvie Landry
(T) 905-837-0663