Who can we count on to speak for us? It appears, not our Clarington Mayor. He is apparently under the impression (and said so) that Durham Region comes first. Clarington must come second to the Region which is the upper tier. He says he was elected to represent the Region.
Well I have two words for our mayor. WAKE UP. Believe it or not, you were elected to work for Clarington, to work for us, the taxpayers. You were elected to represent Clarington in all things, including at the Region of Durham. To put Durham Region first, as you have admitted to doing, is to slap Clarington taxpayers in the face. Either you don't have a clue or you are intentionally ignoring the words and wishes of the majority of residents in favour of kissing up to the Region, for some unknown reason.
I will qualify that previous statement. You listen to your friends, your campaign team, those who agree with and support your views and your ambitions. That is evident at the meetings I have either attended or watched on Rogers television. You blatantly cut off speakers who disagree with your warped view of what your own job as mayor is or of your complete support for the incinerator Roger Anderson wants to put in our midst. You hold them to the exact 5 minutes (which was a ten minute allowance before you decided to shorten it to five) and even cut people off mid-sentence. When your 'friends' or someone you believe to be 'important' (unlike the majority of residents) is speaking, there are no interruptions, you overlook your own rules, you give them plenty of latitude. It is blatant and you do not seem to even care.
You appear to have no understanding of what an Environmental Assessment entails, or how it actually works. You appear to be only too willing to pass the buck to others - the Region and next to the Province, to decide for you and for us whether incineration is 'safe' or not.
The incinerator plan is an iceberg... and the consultants are only showing you the tip. You are satisfied with that, but residents have made it very evident that they are not. Somebody needs a reality check.
This goes for Regional Councillors Mary Novak and Charlie Trim too. Both have voted in EVERY vote at Clarington and at the Region to go along with Regional Chair Roger Anderson's wishes to 'push this forward'. No matter that there are so many unanswered questions. They plan to push it forward to the Province with still many of those questions unanswered and then hand over the responsibility to the Minister of Environment for him to make the decision as to whether it is safe for Clarington and Durham Region residents. That is unconscionable. But not surprising since none of these people have any guts.
There are others on Regional Council who must also bear the responsibility for their actions. Some simply are glad it is not in their backyard. These councillors accuse Clarington residents of NIMBYism, when in reality it is those politicians who are the NIMBYs.
Councillor Rick Johnson (Pickering) continually talks about the old landfill wars, and how many people came out to say they didn't want a landfill in their community, and that he would not allow that to happen again. Well, Mr. Johnson, since you are the prime mover behind this incinerator, why didn't you offer to host it in YOUR community since it is, according to you, so clean and safe? It is fine to push it off on Clarington residents, as long as your residents don't have to deal with it. How much more NIMBYish can you get?
Numerous Regional Councillors have been targeted by a new group called "Concerned Citizens of Durham Region" to be unseated in the 2010 election. These are Councillors who have continued to vote FOR and be supportive of this incinerator at every step of the way. The word is that this group (CCDR) will be fielding reputable and viable candidates for each of these seats in each municipality. They will be actively involved in campaigning against the incumbents and working for the opposing candidates.
CCDR will also be supporting and campaigning for those Regional Councillors who have shown that they are aware of the concerns of the people and are willing to listen and work for them, not for themselves.
Now this list (provided to Watchdog but not yet published) may change at any time, and may have already. We received this list from members of CCDR a few weeks ago. They will also be actively campaigning for an elected Chair, and against Mr. Anderson. He has shown his complete disdain for Clarington, Clarington Residents, and Clarington Councillors as well as for residents in the rest of the region. His ego and bullying tactics may be in his own best interests, but not in the best interests of residents of all 8 municipalities.
CCDR will also be looking at and giving support to local councillors who have been supportive of residents and who have had the guts to stand up to the region. There are several who appear to be poised to move up and run for regional seats in 2010 and many of them will have the support of not only their own residents but also from CCDR. That will be financial as well as active campaign and word of mouth support.
So be forewarned - the war has only just begun. If this is pushed through the door to the Province and not decided locally by our elected regional politicians as it appears they will do, residents will NOT forget what they have done. There will be no excuses good enough for not putting the health and welfare of their residents first. And they must remember that it is quite likely that this will all come to a head, or building will begin in 2010, which will be a constant reminder to residents what has been forced upon us. We will not forget nor will we let anyone else forget. This issue will not fade into the background. And certainly not before Elections 2010.
Abernethy is gone. So is Novak and Trim. How they can pretend to put health first and then push this thing through step by step is disingenuous at best, outright deception at worst. If they push this to the next step without PROVING to us that it is SAFE, which was their first promise to residents, they will rue the day they decided not to pay attention to constituents and to have the gall to pretend they care. I am totally disgusted. I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteRUSH, RUSH, RUSH!!!! Why? Why are they trying to rush this through as quickly as possible?
ReplyDeleteThey want approval before some of the dim bulbs on council wake up to what is really going on? Before residents organize enough to oust them? Before the media realizes what is going on and reports it to all of Durham?
I'm disappointed in lack of information before decisions are made, and the apparent backing away from promises made in 2007/2008. It's also important that they slow it down to get those answers before making further binding decisions. Why is it so imperative that it be all wrapped by June 24? If you're going to spend all this taxpayer money, especially in a recession, why not take the time to do it right, instead of just doing it at record speed? What happened to the "We won't do it if it isn't safe" promise we have heard over and over?
ReplyDeleteI will certainly help the Concerned Citizens of Durham Region with their campaign initiative. Please provide a link to CCDR on this blog or let us know how we sign up to support them!
ReplyDeleteI agree with "anonymous'. I also wish to voice my opinion that Abernethy has been telling a falsehood ever since he was elected about needing to know if it's safe. He, along with Trim and Novak will not be here after the elctions in 2010, so I guess they simply don't care.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many people they can pull together for their re-election bids, I can guarantee there will be a bigger groups(s) working to ensure they don't fool the people twice.
How can they spend so much of our taxpayer dollars without even listening to us? Are they so smart that they know better? I don't think so! I'm very fed up with the regional level of government. Maybe its time to look at disbanding it. Good idea gone bad, bad, bad.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of money Don, we have been led to believe all along that this white elephant would cost upwards of $200 million! Looking at the submission by the winning vendor (Covanta) they claim this facility will cost $235 million. It gets 'worser and worser'!!
ReplyDeleteThe Region also has a deceiptful game plan. They will pay for it using our federal gas tax rebates for years to come. That way, the incinerator will not show up on your tax bill, and the Regional Councillors will claim that the incinerator did not result in any tax increases! However, the money (gas tax) that should have been spent on roads, bridges etc.,will all end up as new taxes - money we will demand should be spent to repair our pityful roads and hyways.
Only problem is, most of us see through this scam.
Time to elect the chair or disband the whole damn thing. I agree with Don. They seem to think they're so much smarter than the doctors in Durham. I wonder what the public health doctor will say? Is it safe? There is no way they can say it is. Will he cave in too? If he does, the region should be toast.
ReplyDeleteThis incinerator - who was it who said "You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig"? They were absolutely right.
What are they thinking? Spending all this money BEFORE the work is done. Always some excuse for spending more so it looks like we can't turn back now as too much money will have been wasted. Think of the waste if we continue to throw good money after bad, just because a few councilors and the chair want this badly thought-out idea to go through. And the speed demons are taking over the whole council and their good sense. Or maybe they are totally lacking in good sense and have other motives for the race to the finish.
ReplyDeleteI will do everything I can to help defeat these people in the next election and get rid of the unelected chair. Where do I sign up?
How can your 3 regional councilors be so completely oblivious to their residents? Or do they just not care? If I lived in Clarington I would be spearheading a campaign to dethrone them all, every one of them. The election is not that far away anymore and its never too soon to start. I will be starting a movement in Scugog. Pearce is probably a write-off as she won't listen and believes no one knows anything but her. I had higher hopes for Jim McMillen though it appears I was wrong. Sorry to say that there will be a large campaign against both of them, and that can be very effective in a small burg such as ours.
ReplyDeleteThat Gas Tax money should be used for other infrastructure needs, and especially public transit in Durham Region. This is a waste of our money and we'll all be paying for it in so many ways in the future, including with our health and the health of our children. Why don't they believe all the doctors? Why do they believe the consultants who are NOT medical doctors. They would rather believe the spin than the facts. What is wrong with our politicians?
ReplyDeleteNever mind, don't answer that. I don't believe profanity is allowed on this site.
I'm sure that some of the Regional Councillors will vote for this crap simply due to the fact that they're mentally bankrupt and they actually believe this is the silver bullet. Others will vote because they would rather see it in Clarington rather than in their own municipality. Still others will vote for it because in my opinion, there is so much money involved, that I feel confident that some of it will end up in certain packets!
ReplyDeleteHowever, ruling out the dim lights on Council (do you want an opinionated list?)the nimby votes that will shove this through are baseless in that it's not a matter of an incinerator or bust. There are other solutions that are better for the envronment and your tax bill.
Given that the Province (now on record as favouring incinerators...)(remember that in any future by-elections) are currently looking at a Zero Waste strategy to solve our waste woes. Add to that the fact that the Fed. Government is looking seriously at Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)to ensure that producers are not over-pacaging goods, and that in the future, the packing material will be recyclable, and one has to question why do we need to lock ourselves into a put-or-pay deal with incinerator salesmen (this includes the Region's consultants (J. Whitford) and the preferred vendor (Covanta -an outfit with a less than stellar environmental history in the USA)? By the time this monsetr is up and ready to consume trash from Durham and York, not to mention from a host of other communities (we need the trash to keep the thing burning or we pay a penalty - on our taxes!)I suspect the Province and the Feds will have measures in place to make an incinerator unnecessary. However, we will be stuck with a tax burden of $235 million to built an obsolete fixture and about $15 million a year to operate it.
This will increase your taxes while at the same time, decrease the value of your home and property, not to mention that it will kill the local farm market business.
Whenever we get a list of the Regional Councillors who vote in favour of this obscene venture, I will post their names so that all of you know who they are, and so that you can start now to organize to defeat these unworthy and irresponsible politicians.
With a boundary realingment in Ajax one of the Regional races will be affected.
ReplyDeleteScott Crawford's base in his home neighbourhoods have been shifted to Ward 3.
He would run in Ward 2 but loose many supporters that can no longer vote for him.
I don't really post much on this issue because it is very complex and hard to follow and effectively write about it. That's why I link to this blog.
Karem Allen
For three years now, our esteemed Mayor (Jim Abernethy..remember that in case it shows up on the ballot in 2010)has been feeding the press and the public with two of his favorite lines when it comes to the incinerator. Whenever he is asked why he votes the way he does (to promote the damn thing), he claims he is only "moving the process along" so we can get the facts; don't know what "facts" he thinks he will get from the high paid incinerator salesmen the Region hired as consultants, but that's his line. When asked in public if he supports the incinerator (in spite of his dismal voting record) he says, "only if it's safe". Truth is, it's not, so why are we playing this risky game? Now, before the final studies are completed on human health and the environment, and before they are peer reviewed, this guy (who was elected to represent the people of Clarington, not Roger Anderson)along with his fellow Anderson puppet, Clarington Regional Councillor Charlie Trim, are putting forth a notice of motion at Council on May 11, to rescind the 'unwilling host' status we enjoy now (thanks to Foster, Robinson, Hooper and Woo). It is this status that will prevent the Region and the Province (we hope) from shoving this hideous thing down our collective throats.First he tells the public he wants to make sure it's safe, and before the studies are completed, he wants to continue to push this through. Mr. Mayor, I think perhaps you're 'fibbing'. Some would call it lying, but that is undemocratic. In fact, if I accused you of lying, maybe the blogmaster would refrain from publishing my thoughts; so I won't. Others may though!! I have no doubts either that Reg. Councillor Mary Novak will support this silly motion...she's another Anderson fan, or perhaps she's simply affraid of him; he is a bully you know. Guess she's not too keen on getting re-elected either.
ReplyDeleteVery colourful rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the protests/concerns for the 407 extension which would contribute significantly greater impacts in Clarington?
Please provide one shred of verifiable scientific evidence of negative health impacts from a properly operated incinerator equipped with best available control technology.
Published and peer reviewed evidence would be nice over the political nonsense. Stick to the science.
The topic, as I recall was the incinerator. Why 'caller' # 15 attempts to divert to the 407 issue is almost beyond belief. However, after hearing our exhaulted Mayor, Jim Abernethy try the same tactic at council the other day, I can't help but comment to his blind followers. So; Elva or Sue, forget the 407 EA, let's concentrate on the most pressing issue facing Clarington - the poison factory envisioned by your 'hero' Jim (I'll do whatever Anderson says) Abernethy. Don't try his cheap, childish tactics to divert attention to other blights.
ReplyDeleteCCDR had better add Councillor GORDON ROBINSON OF CLARINGTON to their list of targeted councillors to be dethroned next year. And put him at the TOP of the list for betrayal of not only Clarington Residents but ALL Durham Region Residents who care about health before money.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
ReplyDeleteHere's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W- L-E-D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
But, A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Have a good day Gord (Robinson)
Can anyone say what happened at Friday's meeting.
ReplyDeleteClarington This Week/newsdurhamregion.com hasn't updated since Friday morning.
Did the mayor get his way again and we are now a willing host?
On Friday, Councillor Gord Robinson sold out Clarington and her people!
ReplyDeleteHe flip-flopped; it's that simple.
He voted in favour of a flawed Host Community Agreement, before the final studies in health and the environment as well as a number of other studies have been presented, and prior to Clarington conducting peer reviews (he voted a few weeks ago to commiting thousands of dollars of your tax dollars in Clarington peer reviews) but that is now all for nothing. His integrity was purchased by other interests. We don't even need the results of the studies or the peer reviews as this dork voted in favour of a crappy agreement put forth by Roger Anderson and the Region.
He also voted in favour of Clarington being a 'willing host', the only ace card we held. It was the fact that we were an unwilling host that has convinced a number of regional councillors to reconsider their vote. As well, in the event that Anderson gets his way at the Region, it was our only insurance policy that we could get an even better deal at the Province once the EA is submitted. That too has been squandered away by this Judas.
Thanks for nothing Gord Robinson, you won't have my vote next year. Same with Charlie Trim and Jim Abernathy.
ReplyDeleteBut in Orono This Week, wasn't he the one who said that all four local councillors would be voting against the motion, or was it someone else.
I should have known though, because Clarington this week said he wasn't at the protest Monday afternoon before the meeting while the other local councillors were.
There are a lot of disappointed people in Clarington and across the Region who feel very betrayed. I still don't understand how anyone could think that HCA was a good deal for Clarington. It was a very cheap deal for the Region, but extremely costly for Clarington. They've spent more on the consultants alone than they put into the HCA for Clarington. I thought at least Durham would give Clarington a fair deal but that didn't happen, and now without unwilling host status, we have nothing. I personally am very disappointed in Gord.
ReplyDeleteNow we just have to work all that much harder to stop this thing. Were we treated at least fairly perhaps some people would have agreed to work with this, but being really screwed around like we were makes me lose all trust and respect for Durham Region as a whole. I hope Regional Councillors will step up to the plate and do what's right. Residents were very willing to work hard at making Durham the real leader in waste management with a zero waste goal. None of us are willing to accept that we're going with such a non-green and polluting option without even having the courtesy of giving the better options a fair hearing. How sad for Durham and for Clarington. Such an embarrassment and disappointment.