Clarington Mayor Jim Abernethy has shown his disdain for the rules multiple times recently, and doesn't seem to understand that they apply to him, not just to others.

The first serious infraction occurred a few months ago when residents questioned the Mayor on why he did not represent his Council (Clarington) resolutions at Regional Council, which according to the new procedural by-law passed by Council in December 2007 is not a 'choice', but a requirement for the mayor. Local Councillors then took up the cause, which was a good thing since the Mayor ignored residents as he has been doing for many months. He came up with a convoluted excuse, citing the Municipal Act, but was incorrect in his interpretation of it, showing his lack of understanding of rules and regulations when they pertain to him. He still does not represent his residents at local or regional council, and that is a sore spot with many. As a matter of fact, it is growing daily into a huge wound.
The mayor seems to have no comprehension of what "conflict of interest" means, as more than once he has declared a conflict and then spoken to the very issue he had declared a conflict on.
It is a shame that the Clarington Green Living Community Advisory Committee has become a joke, rather than the valuable committee it could have and should have become. All credibility has been lost with the Mayor first of all lobbying for the position of Chair even before the first meeting was held, in direct contravention of the Community Advisory Committee Protocol. Did he not know what the rules were (he should have), or did he just not care? Did the majority of committee members not care about following the rules set out by the municipality? If that is the case, why should we have any confidence in their judgement on anything else? Are they 'above the rules' along with their Mayor? How does that behaviour reflect on the other Community Advisory Committees? Why was this Green Living Committee, the pet committee of the mayor, given a budget of $16,500.00 without some of the committee members even knowing about it, or voting on how it was to be spent - all in one shot for a package of 45 or 50 commercials on one TV station? How much more could have been done with that kind of money? Or it could have been shared with some of the other important and non-politicized Clarington community committees. Oh yeah, that's right. Those are non-politicized, not run by politicians and staff and that is the difference. (I am not speaking of the Conservation Authority Boards or Veridian or other non "community advisory committees")
Does the mayor realize that a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) has the mandate to ADVISE Council on specific matters? How can a community group advise Council when the committee is headed and agenda driven by the mayor and councillors and their staff? It defeats the entire purpose. Yet there are some who ask why that rule is there in the first place, and now STAFF is recommending that the rules be changed so that the Mayor CAN sit as Chair and will no longer be breaking rules. Can he change the Municipal Act too, or will he simply continue to break those rules? We know the answer to that one.
How about this Council muzzling the public, or attempting to? Their new procedural by-law limits delegations to 5 minutes instead of the typical 10 they used to have. It appears to give the Mayor carte blanche to muzzle any delegation that disagrees with him, or when he doesn't like what is being said. A case in point is Mr. Jim Richards, who was given an important Provincial Citizenship Award recently, and Mayor Abernethy gave him a Clarington Award a few weeks later. The next week the Mayor first told Mr. Richards he couldn't use the word "bully" in describing the actions of Regional Chair Anderson toward a resident the previous week which had brought the resident to tears (a tactic not at all unusual for Mr. Anderson to use), and would have to retract his statement, which he was not allowed to even finish. Mr. Richards refused to retract, and the Mayor made him sit down. He later told Mr. Richards to leave Council Chambers when Mr. Richards stated he would not be giving a written apology to Council for his statement.
The Mayor on that same night reprimanded 2 other delegations for their comments, none of which were abusive in any way. Another delegation has been told he cannot speak at Council again (like Mr. Richards) until he gives an apology in writing to Council, and this man had even retracted his statements when asked to do so.
It appears our Mayor is terribly thin-skinned. He uses the excuse of keeping 'decorum' in Council Chambers, but there was no loss of decorum. All 3 delegations were quite polite and there was no sign of the 'radicals' the mayor has lamented about in the past. My question is, if the Mayor can call residents who disagree with him "radicals", why can't delegations call Mr. Anderson a bully, or his followers "sheep", or his close friends "cronies"? Why can't a delegation liken our Mayor to King Henry the Eighth if he can call them "radicals"? Yes Mr. Mayor, a very thin skin indeed, along with a double standard. Will councillors sit still and allow this travesty to continue? Do they not realize that when you are a public politician, people are allowed to criticize your actions? There was nothing inappropriate, unreasonable or undignified or untrue in the statements made by residents during their delegations. On the contrary, they expressed their opinions; opinions, I might add, which are becoming ever so much more popular with the citizens of Durham Region. Councillors must realize they have a duty to the public to protect their interests and must challenge any violations of procedure and of fairness to the residents of their municipality.
It appears to be the Mayor who is behaving inappropriately and in an undignified manner, although he seems unable to see it as do some on Council. The tide has turned, sir, and it would behoove you all to heed the signs.
On another note, see the new local BLOG: One Environmentalist's Right to Write
Stay tuned.
Go to the Durham Environment Watch website and read all the letters to the editor and newspaper articles about this stuff. It is a problem that won't go away, no matter how much the mayor tries to ignore it or cover it up. I am embarrassed to be a resident of Bowmanville now. Clarington is the laughing stock of the region. But I don't find it very funny at all.
ReplyDeleteThis mayor has a lot to learn but seems to be learning it all from Roger Anderson. No wonder his popularity has taken a nosedive over this last year. I hope he's not planning on running for office (ANY office) again. Doesn't he realize why Roger doesn't want to have to run for office either? He may be popular with his cronies (yes CRONIES) but sure is not with residents of Durham Region. Neither is Abernethy these days.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the self-righteousness of the Mayor of Clarington when he can call concerned residents a bunch of "radicals", yet cries over someone calling Anderson a bully or calling him and others Anderson's sheep or cronies. He just like cracking his whip and being in control and it is not at all attractive on him.
ReplyDeleteSomeone has let the dog out of his/her cage. Welcome back Watchdog. We have needed your voice with your insight again. I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteWho let the dog out? Give the mayor a break, will you? So what if he doesn't follow the rules. He has the profile to bring the green committee to prominence. Hasn't he done so already with all the newspaper and email controversy?
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to democracy, or, freedom of speech?
ReplyDeleteSeems that here in Clarington, we have two classes of citizens; those who were elected to serve us, and those of us who are still waiting for leadership.
Our Mayor has broken many rules, including several that are contrary to the Procedural By-law that he signed into law last December, and several that in my opinion are conrary to the Ontario Municipal Act.
He is quick to remind people that "rules are rules, and we must folow them". He seems to be making up the rules as he goes along, and the only rule he follows is the rule of Chairman Anderson. It is really quite disgusting.
I have less and less confidence in this Mayor, and in Councillor Novak who I guess is also on that Green committee and agrees with the Mayor chairing it. So that means she also agrees with breaking the rules, and will now vote to CHANGE the rules so the mayor can stay as chair. Changing all the rules to suit the ego of this mayor is ridiculous and not in the best interests of the municipality. They don't even seem to care.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for 2010 when I can vote them outta here!
To quote the Dixie Chicks:
ReplyDelete"I'm not ready to make nice, I'm not ready to back down."
Women can't say "radical" things about politicians, it seems to be unlady-like.
Mayor Abernethy is not King Henry VIII. He can't change the religion because he doesn't like the one that exists, meaning he can't change democracy into a dictatorship.
Can't help if it I have creative writing skills that I use to make my point, it just comes naturally to me.
I'm blunt, to the point, only speak when I have something I feel is important to say and I will not beg the pro-incinerator politicians to please, please, please not endanger the lives of the children I may give birth to one day. The beggings of numerous please, please, please words in delegations is simply not my style.
I get to the point.
Where is our right to criticize public figures? The only "lack of decorum" occurs when residents are further muzzled by a mayor trying to protect his master, or thinking that stopping people from criticizing him or Anderson or his "cronies" in council chambers will stop people from thinking and saying it outside chambers.
ReplyDeleteI would think there will be much MORE of it because of his muzzling tactics. This man doesn't get it that he is not the "king". He is a public servant who is elected to SERVE the residents of Clarington, not to suit himself and put himself above us all. He works for us and he should stop to remember that.
I heard that Abernethy and Trim didn't see anything wrong with Anderson's grilling of the lady last week at the Region which brought her to tears. Well of course not! They have been using the same tactics with delegations and it has not gone unnoticed, the way they mimic Anderson's tactics. And the third one, Mary Novak, didn't even notice that the young mother was so upset she had begun to cry. Didn't notice? How could she not notice unless like some of the others, she didn't bother to listen to the delegation.
ReplyDeleteDo these excuses sound spurious to you? They sure do to me. Excuses are all we get from this bunch. Disgusting.
When a councillor, mayor or chair repeatedly asks questions they already know the answer to, and try to 'trip up' delegations, try to discredit them or try to upset them intentionally, THAT is being a BULLY. Anderson, Abernethy and Trim (and some of the other Regional Councillors from other municipalities) do this routinely now when there is a delegation who disagrees with them, especially on incineration. Novak doesn't do that or at least not yet that I am aware of. It is very evident that Abernethy and Trim play "follow the leader" and have taken up Anderson's bullying tactics. It is simply yet one more attempt to muzzle the public.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Democracy? It must be in hiding in Durham Region and especially in Clarington these days. It is obvious they don't want to hear from their residents unless it is to stroke them. Critics need not apply.
We had a decent Mayor and a decent council last term, the furor of the last election and all the rumors and BS from some of the very people that write on this blog has caused this mess.
ReplyDeleteWe have empowered this JA and that stands for something other than Jim Abernethy. Where are the folk that pushed him into power like Luke Prout, Mark Hendrix, Silly Billy Tomlinson, John and Maureen Reid and Elva Reid now? Surely they know enough to advise him to listen to the public.
EFW or no EFW, he has failed in every aspect of his position and Marg Zwart still throws rose petals where Mayor Abernethy walks, go figure.
I am fed up with self-serving politicians. We need a movement to get rid of Abernethy and Anderson, Trim and Novak. I know the next election isn't until 2010, but you can't start too soon. These are people who do not deserve our vote since they have not and are not standing up for Clarington. They put the Region first and Clarington can go to hell.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mayor really think he's fooling anyone when he says he has not made up his mind about the incinerator yet? Come on! What does all his single-minded promotion of EFW at every event he goes to mean? Certainly not that he hasn't made up his mind yet. We're not that stupid.
Abernethy, Trim and Novak's votes at the Region say far more than their unbelievable claims of "waiting for more information" do.
ReplyDeleteThey have voted at every opportunity to move the process along and even without proper information so they could make an INFORMED decision first.
We're getting down to the wire now with most decisions already having been made and approved by regional council. They don't realize they have been voting our municipality to the point of no return. After all their YES votes, do they really think that one NO vote at the end will stop the incinerator? They have put up absolutely no resistance to any of it to date. I don't expect they ever will.
None of them will ever get my vote again.
Unfortunately it looks like the Regional Government is getting more money for the incierator.
ReplyDeleteToday, Jim Flaherty announced that the gas tax going to municipalities will be made pernament. That's good I know.
However, Roger Anderson said that the $20 million that will go to Durham this year and next year will go to the incinerator.
The last gas tax infusions went to the Whitby recycling center.
Does anybody know if this is good or bad.
I watched Clarington Council last nite. I could not believe how the Mayor treated Jim Richards and Linda Gasser. I also could not believe the jellyfish that call themselves councillors not challenging the Mayor on his treatment of anyone that would disagree with him. Worst Mayor we ever had, hands down the dumbest.
ReplyDelete"Does anybody know if this is good or bad"?
ReplyDeleteGas tax money or not, still our tax dollars at work. And they will be going up in smoke.
Hey blogmaster...time for a new blog. The currnet one hit a high of 17 posts several days ago!!
ReplyDeleteBad news on the incinerator business case front.
ReplyDeleteWho ever was doing the business case said that in the long run incineration is actually CHEAPER than than landfill.
This will be given to Durham council next week.
If the business case gets approved, apparently then the incinerator is all but a done deal.
I can't be at the meetings coming up, but I know Durham Enviornmental Watch is encouraging people to go.
I think you could add the names of many current politicians to the 'endangered' list. I suspect many will not survive beyond November, 2010.
ReplyDeleteHave you read you guys read the Clarington this week?
ReplyDeleteI only read the front page because I don't get the paper, and the doesn't have it.
By a 6-1 margin, Clarington saids if Durham swetens it's pot for the incinerator,meaning help pay not only for roads to the Energy park in Courtice I think, but to add more money for other things I don't know what, they'll withdraw the unwillilng host position.
I think this is bad, because it means if Durham Region agrees,it's all but done.
This time its not the regional representives fault. It was moved by Ward 4 local Gord Robinson.
So they have decided to sell out for money or perks vs our health? If Councillor Robinson does that, there's no way he'll have my vote, or the votes of all my friends at the next election. Moreover, I will actively campaign against the whole lot of them.
ReplyDeleteWho was the ONE who wouldn't sell out his/her principles?