So sad that on a day when the world is celebrating "Live Earth" on 7 continents, our Durham politicians and staff are in Europe trying to find justification for their blind commitment to burning our garbage and sending it into the air instead of into the ground. I wonder if they have caught any of the Live Earth concert promos or messages regarding global warming and greenhouse gasses. It's big in Europe...

Again, the image of "retrograde council" comes to mind. Whether dealing with greenbelt or greenhouse gasses, it's an apt description of the majority (so far) of our Regional representatives, and especially our 3 Clarington reps. They pretend to care but then go ahead and promote incineration, finding all the excuses they can to tell residents that it is safe, clean, and there are no other options. It is good to know that they could find consultants to promote their cause, and that they are unburdened by accuracy or integrity when spewing the magic bullet solution to the rest of us.
Our Durham Pols keep telling us we must have a "Made in Durham" solution, and not send our garbage outside of our borders. Hmmmm. How do they plan on containing it when they send it into the air (emissions)?
“The latest scheme masquerading as a rational and responsible alternative to landfills is a nationwide — and worldwide — move to drastically increase the use of incineration...The principal consequence of incineration is thus the transporting of the community’s garbage — in gaseous form, through the air — to neighboring communities, across state lines, and indeed, to the atmosphere of the entire globe, where it will linger for many years to come. In effect, we have discovered yet another group of powerless people upon whom we can dump the consequences of our own waste: those who live in the future and cannot hold us accountable. It is still basically a Yard-a-Pult approach. [‘The Yard-a-Pult, invented for a “commercial” on the U.S. television comedy show Saturday Night Live, invites disposal of waste by catapulting it over the back fence into the yards of nearby neighbors.’]”
— then U.S. Senator Al Gore, 1992
"A meeting was scheduled with the director of the German Waste Association and they toured an EFW facility in Zurich, Germany." I hope they found it alright, since I always thought Zurich was in Switzerland. They must have been late for that meeting - could be still looking...
Our Regional Rocket Scientists "...poked around neighbouring homes and talked to some residents. Mr. Anderson said people had clothes out on the line next door to the incinerator, a reflection of the low level of concern over the facility. "
Oh gosh, that makes me feel so much better! And from a Metroland News article:
In Copenhagen, there was a townhouse complex within 200 metres of the EFW facility. They met with a man who had lived there for 30 years and another who had just moved in.
"We asked about depreciation of property values and if there was odour," Mr. Anderson said. "They didn't have any concerns about it. It is just the accepted way of dealing with waste here."
Builders and engineers of incinerators often respond to questions about pollution by asserting that “air emissions are under control” in the newest generation of “state of the art” waste burners. Underlying their claims are three unsupportable assumptions. First is the assumption that there are acceptable emissions levels for all the pollutants released by incinerators; second, that incinerator air emissions are now being accurately measured; and third, that emissions, even as currently measured, are within the limits currently defined as “acceptable.”
(1Waste Incineration, A Dying Technology; also see GAIA - Global Anti- Incinerator Alliance AND Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives)
Look at the Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment that has just been done for this incinerator project. Full of "assumptions". All it is is assumptions. Are you willing to risk your health and your family's health on unproven and unprovable assumptions? I'm not.
OMG - this is too funny! Too sad as well, if it's all true, which I have no doubt it is. Love the picture and how appropriate.
ReplyDeleteZurich, Germany? Clothes on a line next to the incinerator? Regional Rocket Scientists indeed. No wonder it's so easy to pull the wool over their eyes. They have no idea what they're looking at, do they? As long as they can't smell anything bad, it must be okay, right? Scary!
Concerning the observations [by Chairman Anderson] that people are living in close proximity to incinerators, it should be pointed out that the book referred to, "Waste Incineration, A Dying Technology" (amongst others) mentions that this is generally found amongst the lower classes in society.
ReplyDeleteIt should also be pointed out that the Health Department goes to great efforts to inform citizens of the perils associated with tasteless, odorless, invisible, yet highly toxic gasses such as carbon monoxide. Yet, our own Ayatollah does not seem to understand that odorless, invisible emissions are no indications that an associated process is safe. The incompetence or dishonesty thus clearly demonstrated is shocking. And we pay the wages of this fat cat.
Yes Mr. Larose, we pay the wages of this fat cat, but hopefully as more and more people get exposed to the toxin of his personality, and his way of running (or should that be, ruining)the Region, we should only have to put up with this crap for another 3.5 years. If enough Clarington and perhaps Whitby politicians and the general public get burned by this guy (and they will), we can change the way the Regional Chair gets to that lofty more appointments...we need direct election. Direct election is the only way. That's the way we got the likes of Abernethy, Trim and Novak into positions of power (unfortunately) but that is also the way we will get rid of them; and the sooner the better! The same should (and will) apply to fat cats like Anderson as well. His days are certainly numbered, and he knows it.
ReplyDeleteI see nothing wrong with the 'science' that says if people hang their clothes out on the line near an incinerator, it proves that all is well!
ReplyDeleteOur Mayor (Abernothing) returned from a jaunt to Florida a while back with his buddies Anderson and Johnson (talk about a brain trust!) and declared that the facility they looked had didn't have any seagulls. Wow, what a great observation - I guess that just goes to prove once again that incinerators are ok; can't fool a seagull now, can you?
I love the picture. I was looking at Abernothing and remembering he said he would take "no European tours" during the election, that goes along with no tax increase as well, that is simply Abernasty.
ReplyDeleteAlso, did anyone catch how stupid the Council and Orono Anniversary committee were having a flyby over lovestock, makes me think about that WKRP episode where Arthur Carlson dropped turkeys out of a helicopter "as god as my witness, I swear I thought turkeys could fly"
Well 3 of them can in Europe.
This does not inspire confidence in our so-called "leaders". No wonder our taxes have increased so much at both the municipal and regional levels. This trip was unnecessary and not very smart. What can you see by looking at these plants? You can't see or smell the emissions. They are tiny, invisible to the human eye. They cross through tissues with ease, including into the blood and organs. Do they expect that they will see the emissions or smell them. That alone is stupid beyond belief.
ReplyDeleteWhen the speak with neighbours of the plants, what do they expect them to say? They've been shoveled the same s**t that we are being shoveled. Twist the facts to make it sound better than it is. Shade the results and work the numbers (as can easily be done - ask me, I'm a statistician) so that this looks safe to the uninformed. But then go and read the medical journals and the studies done be experts (not consultants paid to promote a project) and you will see how unsafe this is, and how much it contributes to smog and greenhouse gasses.
In today's climate with films and concerts and public outcry about climate change, our "retrograde" council is at it again. When will they ever learn?
Anyone just see the CTV news report stating some of the fish in Lake Ontario are now inedible, in part due to dioxins from incinerators?
ReplyDeleteI think it very scientific and high on my list of 'you betcha' tests that Roger Anderson (our own Ayatolah) has noted that people are living near incinerators and doin' just dandy. I think the ultimate test in the scheme of scientific testing was noting that it was so safe living next to an incinerator, that you could and would actually hang your clothes out to dry. Very good Roger - you've sold me on it. I can hardly wait to have ours up and running asap.
ReplyDeletePrior to this highly sophistcated set of tests, the only sure-fire evidence we had that all was well with buring garbage (toxins and all) was the statement from our Mayor (Aberfluffy), after he and Mao Anderson and Ricky Johnson (garbage guru from Pickering area)all returned from a vacation in Florida and announced that at a facility (read: incinerator)they visited, there were no seagulls, and our Mayor was really impressed! So was I! I recall feeling very relieved that all was well in birdland.
Too bad some of the other Regional Councillors and highly paid staffers and the extremely highly paid consultants (they get extra money as they must first sell the project to the inept politicians, then they must sell it to a gullible public!)could not have gone to Florida with the 'brain trust' team. Then, they too could have seen the 'scientific evidence' for themselves. It would have been cheaper for us, as we are footing the bill, to have sent them to Florida instead of a whirlwind tour of Europe. Heck, we could have saved more by staying home and getting all the info we needed from the internet and our blackberries!
Now we'll get an update on the "findings in Europe regarding Energy From Waste". Will that be from Staff or from our Mayor and Councillors? I'll bet they didn't smell a darn thing and all the people living in the vicinity just love those incinerators, and they even hang their clothes out on the line! I'll bet they didn't see all the toxins coming out of the stacks either (probably because they are invisible)!
ReplyDeleteI will feel so much better when they give us their scientific information that has not a bit of spin, won't you?
I am really surprised at the comments above by Charles.
ReplyDeleteSir, you are sounding very skeptical. Would this simply be a result of being led down the garden path?
Just because Abernethy, Trim and Novak are being led around by the nose by Roger Anderson and his sidekick Ricky Johnson, doesn't mean you have to be.
Is your tongue so firmly planted in your cheek that it's putting a strain on your ability to accept all the information (=crap) that you have been fed by our Regional reps, and all the 'new findings' that will be presented and glossed over at the special meeting on Thursday?
Is this your problem Charles. Are you tired of being treated like a mushroom; kept in the dark and fed horsesh-t?
C'mon Chuckie, lighten up!!
I look forward to the "new findings" to be presented at the Special Meeting on Thursday by our expert politicians. I am so pleased that we have such learned people at the helm of our municipality. I am confident they understand all the health issues, the fiscal responsibility and the social impacts of planting a toxin spewing incinerator in our midst. With their vast knowledge, they could never be hoodwinked by paid consultants and would never believe what unknowledgable staff tell them over scientists and reknowned experts.
ReplyDeleteTake me back to the mushroom patch, Billy!
One thing I can say about our regional politicians - their opinions will never change, despite the facts. You can throw all the facts you want at them, but they will stubbornly toe the (Region's) line. They may be wrong, but they'll be wrong together!
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted. I think we all know what their "new findings" from Europe will be... all is wonderful, all is good. Incineration is the key to our future health and prosperity.
Oh puh-leeze!
Are they back from their trip already? Will they give us any specifics or only the positive, pro-inciner-oratory we've gotten from the consultants hired by Durham Region to promote incineration to the public? I'd speculate it will be the latter.
ReplyDeleteIncineration is safe for health, Incineration is clean and green, Incineration is good to produce electricity, Incineration will pay for itself, Incineration is popular in Europe, Incineration is well accepted by European residents, Incineration doesn't smell, Incineration only has invisible emissions so they're okay, Incineration is good for us and good for our community - is this what we'll hear from our world travellers? No doubt.
ReplyDeleteProve me wrong!
What a wastefull snow-job; what an insult to one's intelligence.
ReplyDeleteThat is how I would describe the pitiful report from our Mayor at Council last evening. It's too bad that everyone in Clarington could not have witnessed this weak excuse for a trip to Europe at a cost of thousands of your tax dollars.
There was not one thing in the 'canned' slide show and industry propaganda tape that could not have been sent on a DVD, and there was not one question that could not have been handled in an email.
Our Mayor and Regional Councillors (Trim and Novak) are even more determined now to build an incinerator in Courtice than they were before.
Wake up people, you are going to have to get off your butts and show up at Council on June 30 and let this bunch know your feelings before it's too late.
I agree with Mr. Richards. It looks as though our gullible elected officials were taken in once again by the all "pro" side, pushing incineration. But aren't we the gullible ones for electing them? I won't make that mistake next time when I vote, and I hope others will join me in showing their disgust for what they are doing TO us. Have we no voice? Apparently not. Those who do speak are not given the time of day by our all-knowing council who are experts on everything.
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Bowmanville all my life, and have never seen such a sorry lot as this council, especially our regional councillors and mayor. If the local councillors fall prey to this hype then there is little hope for Clarington. Imagine the other bad decisions that will be made over the next 3 1/2 years. A lot of damage can be done in that amount of time. I am furious, if you can't tell. But not one bit surprised.
If you notice, there is a common theme in these comments. Everyone seems to feel that our mayor and councillors are being conned - by regional chair Anderson and by the consultants, and by all the proponents of incineration. It is the public who does the research to find the actual medical facts from the journals and research papers - not those done by people paid to promote incineration. It is the public who tries to get their elected officials to listen but they don't, do they? They have their minds made up already and are trying to find justification to support their own opinions.
ReplyDeleteThey are not fooling anybody with the propaganda they're being fed and are swallowing hook line and sinker. Or should I say stinker.
It is too obvious to everyone but the electeds. How pitiful is that?
About the only thing sadder than the dismal track record of Mayor Abernethy, Councillors Charlie Trim and Mary Novak in dealing with the incineration issue and the mounting financial costs and potential health costs, is the disgusting editorial in the July 20 edition of Clarington This Week.
ReplyDeleteIt's bad enough that our elected officials are swallowing the Regional line about this proposal being safe, clean, and our only choice, but for the media to gobble this crap and spew it back out as news is a tragedy.
They should be ashamed to call themselves a newspaper; what ever happened to objectivity?(guess that only happens when there's competition!!)