If our Council wants to convince us that incineration is good for Clarington, that we should host the incinerator, and that incineration is perfectly safe, then why not allow us to have the same information on it that they will
have? But oh no. They will have a special meeting, closed to the public, to be educated with respect to "energy to waste" (incineration). If they're really interested in being open and accountable, why hide any of the information from the residents who must also make some decisions, since this council tells us that they are oh so interested in our opinions and input. That is why there are two public meetings scheduled to be held in Bowmanville on April 12 and April 14. But the April 5 meeting where there will be MORE information given, will be closed to the public.

Here is the agenda for the CLOSED meeting:
Date: THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2007
Time: 2:00 P.M.
**Dave Merriman, MacViro/Jacques Whitford – Energy from Waste Technology
**Jim McKay, MacViro/Jacques Whitford – Environmental Assessment Process
**Representative from MacViro/Jacques Whitford –
Ecological and Human Risk Assessment Process
**Jim McKay, MacViro/Jacques Whitford – Next Steps
**Bunny Lockett, Works Department, Regional Municipality of Durham – Public Consultation Process and Public Information Sessions
There is a notice in today's Clarington This Week - Public Notice - stating that a "Short-List" of sites has been Identified. It also states, "Durham and York Regions seek your input on the "Short-List" of Sites recommended for a new Thermal Treatment Facility to manage the garbage that remains after recycling and composting."
Okay, so why do they want our input when they won't give us all the information they are getting? Is it a case once again of asking but not really wanting our input? Of having an excuse not to listen to us, as on the hospital funding issue, where they asked the question but didn't get the answer they were looking for so delayed the decision once again? Or not listening to residents who continue to ask for a public meeting on the regional chair issue? Will this be just one more example of that type of treatment by this council?

So if it can't be discussed in any way that advances the decision-making of the council, why not allow the public to also attend and be educated, before giving their "input" to Council? They had better not discus the incinerator or the choices of sites at this meeting as it might advance their decision-making process, or the business of being a willing host. Is this a way to be "open and accountable"? I think not.
We must be sure to attend one of the information sessions that WILL be open to the public. Don't expect to see many of the council members attending those, if any.
Public "Information" Sessions:
Tuesday, April 10 - Roman Palace Banquet Hall, 1096 Ringwell Road, Newmarket, 7 - 9 pm
Thursday, April 12 - Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Street, Bowmanville, 7 - 9 pm
Saturday, April 14 - Municipal Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, 9:30 - 11:30 am
Maybe someone on Council will explain to us the rationale behind having all the information given at a closed meeting, and having most likely a cut-down version of information given to residents at the "public meetings", while asking for our so-called "input" at those two meetings? And why hold both in Bowmanville and none in Courtice, where the incinerator will most likely end up? Oh yes, that's right. The Courtice meeting is only for Council, not for residents.
Is it just me, or does this council seem to be getting more and more distant and unaccountable to Clarington taxpayers? Transparency? Not even close.
I find the behaviour of our council on this and other issues quite objectionable. They preach transparency and accountability but to date have achieved neither. They are not conducting themselves in a manner that is acceptable to residents who are becoming more and more aware of their actions and duplicity.
ReplyDeleteIt will come back to haunt them. My intent in light of all these recent actions showing complete disregard and disrespect for their constituents is to send an official complaint to the provincial ombudsman and to MMAH. I would urge others to consider doing same.
This complaint will outline such actions as their refusal to allow a public meeting on an issue of governance after being requested numerous times by residents to do so; spending in inordinate amount on a telephone poll of residents regarding hospital funding and then ignoring the result of that poll because they didn't get the answer they wanted, and now closing a meeting and designating it is "council education" so that they can twist the intent of the new powers they've received under Bill 130 so that they can meet in private and then a week later let the public have an information session that will not contain all the same information as what they received.
That trust in this council has diminished considerably is not in question. How much further they are willing to let that trust be destroyed is the question.
Well said. Very much what many of us are thinking, I'll bet. But you expressed it perfectly.
ReplyDeleteI'd like the full story. Not just what they want us to hear - all positives and none of the negatives, and I'm sure there are some.
Maybe they don't want to allow the public to see them asking questions of the "experts"? Why not though since we could all learn a thing or two, and maybe some of the questions asked by the public would help to enlighten our councillors even more. We should be able to observe what they are being told so we can understand the decisions they come to. If it is all done in secret, what's the point of trying to appear transparent or responsible or accountable to the public. Isn't perception as good as reality when it comes to politics?
ReplyDeleteI'll be sending a letter to my MPP and to the Ministry. They are taking advantage of the expanded municipal powers but next they should install an ombudsman for Clarington. The Ombudsman is really needed for the sake of residents.
ReplyDeleteBut since they don't bother to listen to residents anyway, they won't take advantage of that expanded power to give us an ombudsman.
That's a great idea, to write directly to the province about this. I think I'll also include the fact that our municipal councillors did not even allow input on election of the chair of durham region and that the majority in Clarington as well as in durham region do NOT agree with their "vehement" ojbection to the private member's bill. I will also include that they are not representing their constituents and should be monitored or an ombudsman appointed for us.
ReplyDeleteI will also be starting a petition to be presented to the province. This is serious business and they cannot go on dismissing our opinions when they don't like what we have to say, or even bothering to listen in the first place!
Tonight they make their decision on the hospital funding. They don't want to approve it though so will find an excuse not to. They should as it's a small amount and badly needed. It's our local hospital after all. Don't wait for money from the Province. We don't get our fair share as it is!
ReplyDeleteYet they saw fit to invite members of the Regional Works Committee to the secret meeting. Other than Councillor Trim, no other member of the committee is from Clarington.
ReplyDeleteClarington residents are not allowed to attend but non-Clarington residents are allowed to attend.
Why is the Mayor visting area elementary schools in Courtice to dicuss Energy from Waste??