So, last night at the Clarington GPA meeting (council chambers) saw quite a number of Clarington residents who had something to say to Council about the Greenbelt and Durham Region's slap in the face to Clarington Council and Clarington residents. To their credit, the municipality decided to go through with a Public Meeting on Durham Region's decision to try to

Roger Anderson's attitude toward development is blatantly apparent at any Regional Council meeting you might care to attend. His lack of understanding and/or lack of concern for environmental issues is deplorable. Just one more reason why the position of Chair for the Region should be, no must be ELECTED. This is a man who is not even elected to any position at all. He is handed the position of Chair with all that entails on a silver platter by some Councillors who may fear him or feel they owe him their support. If the position of Chair was chosen from elected Councillors/Mayors on the Durham Region Council, then that's one thing. But to be appointed because everybody knows you or you have an "in" but don't have to answer to the electorate - that is a beastly way to get a position. And Durham Denizens are realizing that fact more and more as time goes on.
But back to the meeting last night. Clarington Planning Department recommended that the municipality of Clarington should advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Greenbelt Council and the Region of Durham that it does NOT support amendments to the boundaries of the Greenbelt Plan at this time (amendments Durham Region voted to send to the Province). The report details the many reasons for this position, and the great majority of people who came to speak at the public meeting were in support of the Clarington Planning Report.
After everyone had a chance to speak, some of the Councillors gave their opinions too. Then the vote - and it was unanimous. All the Clarington Councillors and the Mayor voted to support the recommendations of Clarington Planning Department. All except Councillor Schell, one of our two regional councillors for Clarington, who did not vote as he was chairing that portion of the meeting. However, he did vote at Durham Region on May 10th to support the Region's resolution to ask for adjustments to the boundary, and includes designating these lands as "future development area". And he should vote next week at the regular Clarington Council meeting, so we'll have to see whether he supports the municipality when the vote comes up for ratification at the Regular Council Meeting (Clarington) on May 29th, or whether he'll vote against Clarington and continue to support Durham Region's stand. We hope he will vote as the others did last night.
We also hope that none of the Councillors or the Mayor will change their mind/vote next Monday night. It's been known to happen in the past, but since this is an election year, we're hoping they continue to support Clarington Planning recommendations and the residents of Clarington on this issue. Having a unanimous vote will send a clear message to the Province and to Durham Region. We hope there will be just as many (or more) Clarington voters at Bowmanville Town Hall on May 29th at 7:00 pm to watch.
If you didn't have a chance to get to the GPA meeting last night, you still have another chance. Write to your councillors or speak with them and let them know you don't want them to cop out or surrender to any pressure they may encounter from some of their peers at the Region, including the Chairman. This is an important issue that will affect the face of Clarington for years to come. And show up at the meeting on May 29th to lend your support or just to see how things work at municipal council meetings. It can be interesting, frustrating, fascinating, offensive, enjoyable, objectionable.... But it certainly is an education, especially in an election year.
See "comments" below.
Has anyone researched the minutes of the Regional Council meeting to determine which Regional Councillor introduced the motion to have the Coutice Lands removed from the Greenbelt ?
ReplyDeleteI trust it wasn't one of the Clarington Regional Councillors.... or was it ?
Yes it was. Jim Schell (who is not running in the next election) made the motion, seconded by Councillor McMillen. The motion carried on the following recorded vote:
ReplyDeleteMembers Absent - (4)
G. O'Connor
Mutton (Clarington)
YES (16)
Schell (Clarington)
NO (8)
O'Connor, L.
Trim (Clarington)
Jim Schell is Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.
I'll say that we need to change the members of the Planning Committee next time around. There are very few who are not blatantly pro-developer and anti-greenbelt, anti-resident, anti-environment. They don't even bother to try to hide it anymore because they can do whatever they darn well please, with no one to stop them. A sad commentary on the state of Regional Council. Do we really still need the Regional level of government, or should Clarington go it alone?