July 30, Bowmanville, ONProtest against Council's refusal to LISTEN.
Much has happened recently regarding the Durham Region "Incineration Issue". A peer review report from Clarington Staff and presentations by peer reviewers were scheduled to be heard on Monday, July 30, 2007 at Clarington Town Hall. A special GPA and Council meeting had been scheduled for that day, with the peer review report being promised to residents on the Thursday prior to that date. Of course that never happened. The presentations and report were pulled from the agenda, despite

claims by the Mayor that they were never on the agenda.
Residents of Durham Region put together a protest on short notice, showing they do not accept the treatment they have been receiving from Clarington OR from the Durham politicians. And the discontent seems to be growing and spreading far beyond just Clarington's borders.
At the meeting in Council chambers, more excuses as to why the report was pulled by the CAO - he didn't receive it by Tuesday at 4:30 pm so could not sign it on Wednesday. He did receive it on Wednesday morning, and of course could not have taken one more day to read and sign it and still allow it to be available to the public by Thursday, or Friday, or even Monday. Or even this week.
The deadline for the commenting period for the Municipality and the public was to be on July 31. This peer review report was important information for residents (and municipality) to assist in knowledge when commenting on Generic Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment Report by the Region's hired guns... er... consultants. At the meeting on July 30 delegations were told very publicly that the commenting period for both the municipality and the public had been extended. Apparently another bit of untruth or misinformation as a letter to some of the delegations and interested parties on Thursday, August 2, stated that, "The commenting period deadline of July 31,2007 has not been extended for the Municipality of Clarington or the Public." Just one more slap in the face to residents of Clarington and of Durham Region. Conflicting information continues to come from the Region, from Clarington, from the EA Project Manager. Do any of them have any idea what is going on? - And yet another version by Cliff Curtis from the Region saying that the EA Project Manager was wrong and the commenting period has been prolonged. They just can't seem to get their stories straight... And what good does the commenting period being prolonged do if we can't even read the report that we've paid for and are entitled to?
Everyone already believes that the decision has been made (was made long ago, just like the decision to go with EFW and ignore all other -better- alternatives), and that the preferred site has already been chosen and that mass burn incineration is the technology planned to be used. There is no trust in our region or municipality as far as honesty or integrity at this point. Their claims that incineration is risk-free, that it is a good thing, the best thing, that it will not impact our recycling program, that it will make all that garbage (resources) disappear without consequence and will give us extra electricity ALL RING HOLLOW.
The peer review and due diligence reports are being paid for by us - the residents of Durham Region. At least the first $250,000 worth. The next $250,000 worth will be covered either by Durham Region (us again) or by Clarington alone (still us). But what is the point of paying all this money for these independent due diligence and peer review studies that were supposed to be completely independent of Durham Region, and for Clarington's benefit - if Durham gets to adjust or re-work or influence in any way what is contained in those reports? What is the point of paying for these studies if we (the public) are not even allowed to see them until they've been vetted by the Region?
The entire process has now been tainted. Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. Except in Durham and Clarington. One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised. Except in Durham Region and Clarington.
To Regional and Clarington Councils - Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. Allow the residents of Clarington access to the reports they have asked for, fought for and paid for.
Show some integrity.
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